During the Revival of a new Epoch of a Powerful State, with the initiative of the Honorable President, environmental protection and taking care of our nature became one of the priority directions of the state policy of Turkmenistan. In our country the noble works are carried out to improve our national legislation, ecology and environmental protection and new laws are adopted.

Many activities are carried out in the field of ecology and environmental protection in our country. A scientific-practical consultation was held under the name “Durnukly ösüş maksatlary we ählumumy gurakçylyga garşy hem-de şorlaşan oba hojalyk önümçilik landşaftlarynda tebigy serişdeleri ulanmagyň ylmy esaslary” held on the occasion of the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought by organizing of the UNESCO Club “Environmental protection - an important concept of sustainable development” operating at the Turkmen Agricultural Institute. Professor-teachers, graduate students and students from higher educational institutions of our country took part in the scientific-practical consultation and spoke on topics dedicated to the important functions and directions of the system. In the speeches given at the scientific-practical consultation, a number of issues related to the efficient use of water in agriculture and farming fields were discussed and their scientific approaches were studied.

Today, it is more important to use modern technologies that are ecologically clean and economically advantageous in the industrial sector. Among them, the technical re-equipment of enterprises of fuel and energy, textiles, processing agricultural products and other sets can be given as a clear example. To construct the new production facilities and the modernization of existing facilities are carried out using advanced technologies and technical solutions that allow to prevent damage to the environment.

We would like to express our gratitude to our Hero Arkadag and our Honorable President Arkadagly Serdar, who are making the necessary efforts in this field and is developing environmental diplomacy that considers the interests of the state and the people.

May the souls of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, our Hero Arkadag and our Honorable President Arkadag Serdar, be healthy, live a long life and may their country and nation’s leading, state-oriented attitudes of importance to all mankind always be prosperous on smooth roads.

Berdigylych ANNAGYLYJOV,
Lecturer of the Turkmen Agricultural Institute